plumeria girl granola

Plumeria Girl Granaola


Rolled Oats -
these are old fashioned & thick so there’s less processing & a lower glycemic index.
Oats are known for being a great source of fiber & for reducing the risk of heart disease.

Almonds -
rich in fiber, protein,calcium & magnesium & a source of phosphorus & vitamin E.
Almonds can help with weight loss when eaten in moderation & reduce heart disease. 70% of the fat in almonds is monounsaturated fat.

Organic Ground Flax -
the cold milled process used to grind this flax preserves nutrients & flavor,
& when ground, it is most effectively digested. Flax is a good source of fiber & protein.
It is also host to Omega-3’s which is an important, yet neglected, part of our daily diets.
Flax also contains 75 times more lignans than any other plant food which helps
protect against breast & prostate cancer.

Sunflower Seeds -
host to protein, fiber, selenium & vitamin E which fights cancer & heart disease.

Wheat Germ -
the nutrient rich core of a whole wheat kernal, it has protein, vitamin E, zinc, iron,
fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, & potassium.

Sesame Seeds -
this tiny seed is rich in fiber, protein & minerals. Sesame seeds & wheat germ
are the highest of nuts & seeds in phytosterol which lowers cholesterol.

Coconut -
yes, you are getting some saturated fats from coconut, but don’t be so quick to judge. Coconut saturates are medium-chained saturated fats which are easier to metabolize
& favored for use as energy rather than fat storage at your hips. In coconut, 50% of
the fat is lauric acid which is a “bug killer” (anti-viral & anti-bacterial).
Coconut also boasts fiber, potassium & magnesium.